22nd Schedule
22nd Rules
502nd Schedule
502nd Rules
Pennsyltucky Schedule
Pennsyltucky Rules
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June 5th Results
June 6th Part I Results
June 6th Part II Results
June 7th Results
June 8th Results
To Final Results

June 8th



Axis Victory.

Allied Casualties: 100+
Axis casualties:120

Allied Commander:
Pfc. Scrapper [502nd PIR] [1-1]

Planning Phase: I split the team of 16 men into two sqauds, 1st and 2nd, 2nd being lead by Cpt. Nilsson of OSS. ASL's were Sgt. Hill [OSS] and 2lt. Hilhorst [1-H]. I had my squad of 8 men, mostly rifles and 1 mg, to cover the left flank's entrances. 2nd squad was to watch the right flank and it's entrances but had some last minute changes in placement.

It started with Germans charging over the main road exit and pushing hard to the right. Prior the restart, a squad of Germans managed to climb over the exit to scout *. This scouting may have given away my mg and rifleman's locations causing troops to frag our location heavily. I pulled my men back to the buildings watching the arch exit, but enemy riflemen kept my MG from setting up frequently. I had a game crash in the middle of the fight but by the time I came back in, the right flank held firm, probably due to the close quarter short alleys, and the left flank was struggling to hold it's position. I eventually managed to get back the buildings and postpone the Germans until I realized our tickets were at 16/100. I ordered all squads to fall back and defend the bridge, but the Germans lobbed grenade after grenade at our lines and the maps render distance settings gave Germans the advantage of invisible cover. we were wiped out and it resulted in an axis victory with them having around 150/264 tickets left. The map mixed with the tickets had the odds stacked against us from the beginning.

But the fact remains that the allied victory was ensured after St. Marie, leaving allies with 3/5 victories on the 502nd server.

Axis Commander:
[B.E.F] Cpt. Conway
Americans did put up a fierce fight with very good fireteams,these fireteams had sucess on holding the first Axis attack,but the Axis reinforcements flanked to the east of town,positioning a Fireteam of a MG and many riflemans watching the bridge,and when the americans tried to push back they had so much casualties they lost the battle.

Farm Night


Axis Victory.

Allied Casualties: *154
Axis casualties: 122
Includes +10 for Allies from (bug) Axis capturing secondary mortar objectives.

Allied Commander:

I decided to divide my team into two flanks, one left and one right. The left ran by haplesscommie and the one on the right was ran by [12thNC]Irishman215. I let them know I'd divert to them reinforcements as they needed it from the spawn point and to keep me posted on how much pressure they were getting. I set the MG on the road to cover the crest of the ridge the enemy would be approaching from. The rest of the team was spread out mostly in the prone position to target enemy coming over the horizon.

The first contacts were smoke to the right of the road to our front. From then enemy began coming down the ridge. A number of enemy were killed but more were allowed to close in on the right and left and I noticed our casualties were nearly matching the enemy's. A lot of accurate long range rifle and MG fire matched or exceeded our long range tactics and within about five minutes we were pushed from the T-junction down the road and back to fallback positions along the left flank of the map and road.

This was less effective than I expected and our team was incapable of holding either side for more than five additional minutes with the riflemen and MG posted along the road sniped or grenaded quickly. At this point the manor was overran completely and I ordered our left flank squad to hold that mortar while our right flank had already began defending our rightmost mortar. Our casualties were still excessive and our left soon nearly totally collapsed within a few minutes. I redirected reinforcements to the left only to find it overran. Then I redirected all reinforcements to the rightmost mortar. Upon arriving there, it was totally overran and the mortar destroyed while our abandoned leftmost mortar was also captured and destroyed.

Axis Commander:
S/Sgt.aek-zach22 [22nd AB EU]

June 8th 1944: Our great leader decided it was time for the Axis powers to attack the Allied pigs so it was decided it would be done here, the team was split to 2 teams each with it's own nco, 1 mg 1 pioneer and the rest (5) riflemen. It was decided that my squad would be attacking T.Junction directly while Dannyboy's squad would be flakning around. After that my squad would be pushing up the main road, as well as flanking the manor, while Dannyboy's squad would be attacking the manor head on. After that my squad would push on Mortar 1 and Dannyboy's squad would be attacking Sec. Obejctive adn then mortar 2. As the counter-attack began my squad pushed through the open fields and was taking casaualties due to accurate mg and sniper fire, thankfully smoke grenades were deployed and after reapeted attacks oth squads managed to break through the allied defenses, a short intense skirmish occured and then the axis consolidated their position on T.Junction. After that both squads regrouped at the junction and then pushed forwards, my squad pushed through the main road while Dannyboy's squad attacked head on towards the Manor, my squad was under heavy mg and rifle fire but managed to break through and capture the bridge leading to Manor, thus allowing us to launch a flanking attack along with Dannyboy's squad which was atacking manor head on.

After an intense firefight as well as several breaches of enemy held rooms, after the battle was over the axis took over manor, however allied mortar fire forced us to seek cover. After mortar fire ended Dannyboy's squad successfully captured the Sec.Obejective and destroyed the enemy mortars, enwhile my squad had already been attacking Mortar 1 but was having tough time pushing trough the allied mg fire. After support from Dannyboy's squad we managed to capture mortar 1 briefly, but that short time mortar 1 was under our control was enough for our pioneer to set a charge and fall back. After the destruction of Mortar 1 my squad as well as Dannyboy's squad rushed Mortar 1 and succeded in detroying it. Thus ending the match with an Axis victory with 60 tickets remaining. Both sides sustained heavy losses, however the fact that the Axis had extra reinforcements as well as the fact that the Allies had a lack of reinforcements proved to be pivotal giving the Axis the upper hand

Hill 35


Axis Victory.

Allied Casualties: 200+
Axis casualties: 193

Allied Commander:
Allied losses : 200+ Axis losses: 193

The town center, I felt, was the key to winning the map. So I organized a 3-man team ran by Alessio to be responsible for the town center security at all times. A 7 man team ran by Smith would rush to the opposite side of the town center cap zone and hold off the enemy. A 5 man team ran by Barnaby would take the town center and push forward on the right flank. All teams had orders to rush the town center and not stop to organize beforehand. I rushed up the left flank towards the town center and in town I saw that the enemy was capturing the town center.

I heard enemy talking near the town center and ran into several enemy on the opposite road of town near a german truck and tossed a grenade underhand into the road. This forced them back. I waited 'til it exploded and sprinted forward, throwing a grenade and taking cover in a set of stairs with Smith's squad behind me. Barnaby's squad was attacking the opposite side of the town center and we quickly anihilated the enemy at the center and fanned out for defensive positions at the edge of town.

We faced many enemy counter-attacks on each flank but eventually the enemy settled into a defensive posture on the hill fortifications. Every advance I ordered was met with highly accurate machinegun and rifle fire. We suffered a great deal of casualties in futile attacks into well-prepared kill zones.

Eventually, once we had lost 2/3rds of our reinforcements we settled into a defensive posture and pounded the enemy with mortar fire and attempted to snipe away at them. We found the enemy fire more accurate than our's and upon dwindling down to less than a dozen reinforcements we adopted a strict defensive posture in attempt to hold our gains.

A long stalemate ensued with very limited enemy probes. Eventually we fell back into the town center and waited, fighting off several small enemy probes into the city. Around this time I began negotiations with the German commander for a ceasefire. He insisted we retreat from the town and attack it again. I responded with "Nuts!"

I ordered a general attack around this time, which met an enemy attack head on yet still failed to finish the job. We lost with posession of the town and clinging to it by our fingernails.

Axis Commander:
Sgt. Conway

The Battle of Hill 35 was the last battle of the campaign,as the Axis commander i made a simple battle plan:Divide the platoon in 4 different squads,two offensive squads and two fireteams,at first the objective was to set up the MG at the town center to secure it and then make a big offensive towards the enemy tank and the enemy manor.

Ranger's squad (Fireteam) had the job of camping the hill 35 preventing any allied squads to get close to the Pak43/Hill,Elia's Squad (Fireteam) had the job of deploying the MG in the town center to capture it and secure it,my squad and Bower's squad (offensive teams) had to push them back and capture the town center.

Although, the Axis forces lost the battle for the town center having massive casualties, i had to give the retreat order and so we did,i placed my squad and the Sharpshooter in the ruins in the left preventing flanking from the left,i gave Elia's squad and Bower's squad the job of holding the Pak43,they did so by deploying a huge fireteam near it,Ranger's squad had the job of holding the hill,he deployed a fireteam in the bunker on top of the hill.

The Axis defense was nearly flawless,all Allied flanking tatics did not work and they had massive casualties,as the battle progressed they started moving carefully using smokes,deploying fireteams,using mortars and using MG fire that sure gave the Axis team casualties, both teams were having massive casualties.

During the defense of the hill as a commander i ran back and forth the Axis defensive positions giving orders,separating troops and helping with the defense.

After the tiring battle both teams were extremely low on reinforcements and the Allied force decided to make their last stand in the town,my team also did not move a single step,it was too dangereous to lose more men,little did i know that the Allied soldiers by now were outnumbered 3 to 1,after a long waiting time for both teams the Allied commander decided to make a deal: both teams would wait for more reinforcements, i noticed how low they were on troops now,i commanded the Axis offensive on the town,destroying the allied last stand, the battle finished, the Allied forces had no survivors and the Axis forces had about 20 men.

June 8th Results

Axis: 435
Allies: 454

To Final Results