These are admin instructions for the Normandy campaign
June 5th - June 8th

22nd Schedule
22nd Rules
502nd Schedule
502nd Rules
Pennsyltucky Schedule
Pennsyltucky Rules
Admin Instructions

Mention to the players that you'll be doing the event soon.

Make sure you have leaders designated for each team and that they are present
Try to keep at least one admin on each team

Mute all players.
sm_mute @all
Turn all talk on
sm_rcon sv_alltalk 1
Unmute yourself, make sure people can hear you.
DO NOT take or answer questions until your done

Announce the event and event rules
"we're going to play our campaign battle for today"
"The leader of the allied team will be ...."
"The leader of the axis team will be ...."

At this point
you want to let your players know you're going to restart the server and
to type retry in console once they start losing connection
Failure to restart may result in a preventable server crash in the middle of a round

Set up

Let the server fill before setting a password.
Give the password out "normandy"
sm_rcon sv_password "normandy"
Note: the password may need to be set for each map change.

Give the players time to reconnect before passwording....
sm_mute @all
sm_rcon sv_alltalk 1
Ummute Yourself

"Everyone type MOTD into your chat and click on the link and follow along
while I read the rules. The rules are at a link at the bottom."

You can read the rules directly off of there if you'd like for the server you are on.

22nd Server Rules ( 22nd Rules )
502nd Server Rules ( 502nd Rules )
Pennsyltucky Rules ( Penn Rules )

Ask the players if they have any questions

Reinforcement updates:
Now you want to update the reinforcements for both teams.
If you need to add 50 enemy reinforcements, you
1. Look at their reinforcements. Example: 200
2. Add the carry-over to that. Example 200 + 50.
3. sm_rcon mp_alliedtickets 250 or sm_rcon mp_axistickets 250.

Reinforcement carry-overs will be posted in the schedule with the map.
For June 6th, if the axis win, they get half of their
surviving reinforcements from the beach to the next map you play.

Let the players know a planning phase will begin and to meet their team leader.
It's useful to have an extra admin lurk in spectate to catch AWOL players
Especially for Allies Eglise as their initial paradrop is very confusing for some players

Turn all talk off as soon as planning phase starts!!!
sm_rcon sv_alltalk 0
sm_unmute @all

Restart the round to signify going live when both teams are ready
sm_rcon mp_restartround 3

Be sure to let each team leader know to submit a short report after the event
to the 502nd, 22nd, Pennsyltucky, or High Activity announcer, or RNL forums

Remember to record both team's reinforcement count at the very end of the round for all maps!!!!!